Pregnancy Testing & Ultrasounds

Wondering whether or not you may be pregnant?  Feeling scared, anxious, excited? Let us discuss your options with you.

To verify your pregnancy, it’s important to get a lab-quality pregnancy urine (hCG) test. A urine pregnancy test measures the levels of hCG, which is a hormone that is secreted when you are pregnant. Aspire can provide lab-quality testing by qualified healthcare professionals at no cost to you.

We also offer free obstetrical ultrasounds. A limited OB ultrasound may be offered to confirm a viable pregnancy, identify that it is safely located in the uterus, and assess with more accuracy how far along the pregnancy is. We do not provide abortions.

Our medical doctor provides an exam and consultation regarding your pregnancy healthcare issues. We also provide prenatal care up to 36 weeks in Pagosa Springs. To find out more about making an appointment or to speak to a healthcare professional, click here.


Help the young families in our community be the best Moms and Dads possible. We want our families and children in Pagosa Springs to thrive!