Join us for our first
Supermom 5K and Kids Fun Run!!

Join us for our first Supermom 5K and Kids Fun Run! Register to walk or run the course that will begin and end at Yamaguchi and take you by our building for a power boost! Grab your mom, your kids, your friends and come celebrate the mom superheroes in your lives. Moms will get special treats throughout the morning.
The cost to register for the 5K is $35, the Kids Fun Run is $20. Or sign your family of 4 up for $100! And if you’re not really wanting to participate in the 5K, you can sponsor a participant or just come join us for a fun morning. There will be snacks and coffee and a bounce house for the kiddos.
All proceeds go directly to help offset costs and keep our prenatal care affordable to everyone in the community as well as provide evidence-based parenting, baby/toddler classes and prenatal education programs. Check-in begins at 8:00am! The Kids Fun Run starts at 8:30AM and the 5K starts at 9AM. There will be prizes for the best superhero costumes, and for the top winners in each age category announced at 10AM.